
Bachelor of Science (modulkatalog):

BC 4.2 – Organische Chemie III (Organic Chemistry III – Synthetic Methods) – V S P
BC 5.2 – Organische Chemie IV (Organic Chemistry IV – Physical Organic Chemistry) – V S 


Master of Science (modulkatalog):

MC 1.2  – Organische Chemie für Fortgeschrittene (Advanced Organic Chemistry) – WiSe: V S P, SoSe: VS P
MC 2.1.4/MC 3.1.4 – Metallorganische Chemie/Katalyse (Organometallic Chemistry and Catalysis) – WiSe: V S P, SoSe: VS P
MC 2.1.10/MC 3.1.10 – Synthese- und Wirkstoffchemie (Synthesis and Drug Design) – WiSe: V S P, SoSe: V S P